Live at Manchester Central Library
It’s been a delightful day here at the Manchester Library. The afternoon has flown by, and I must say – I could have continued this for longer. If there were some particular areas of interest that stood out today, they are definitely the modern online presence and what it aims to achieve. You could say that in today’s management, it all starts with a strong online presence. You won’t be visible in front of the four audiences in the industry if this need isn’t considered.
Another noteworthy perspective is the concept of the three compartments in music business management. By internalizing this, you enable quick responses in a rapidly changing operational landscape. And this is precisely what is expected and required not just from managers but also from artists in today’s world.
One great feature of online presence is that it doesn’t necessarily require significant financial investments. It leverages the online infrastructure in a way that achieves the desired outcome. Each of us defines our own goals, and in artist management, it often revolves around representing the artist, the artist’s story, and the associated business.
The main rule is to progress consistently until the online presence’s story root and related story are established correctly. Once you reach that level, we can say that the passive side of your promotion is in order. Since we only had two hours available here in Manchester, we presented this idea in broad strokes. So, there’s more to this than what we discussed today. The good news, however, is that once you grasp the underlying idea and significance of passive promotion, you can establish one through your own actions. Each of us will find our own style to implement it.
Rapid development is a characteristic of modern business, especially in the music industry. The music industry is a quick adopter – it absorbs every new development as its own and, if not permanently, at least tests it. This creates challenges for management. For this purpose, you need a framework – one that adapts to ever-changing situations and needs. You also need one that aligns with the modern ideals and preconditions of the industry.
I have developed the three-compartment model, which is thoroughly explained in this book. You can project it in your mind onto a transparent wall, and you’ll see the landscape that a manager is facing. Behind it lie the areas of action, the four audiences. The good thing about this model is that it can be applied globally – it is useful both in the United States and here in Manchester.
The most important takeaway for today is to internalize this framework. When you rearrange the pieces in front of you and tailor it to different audiences, you always see the operating environment to which you need to pay attention at that moment. This is the first foundation of management. The second is the indirect effects, which we’ll discuss next time.
And yes, not only at the Manchester Library, but I also speak on the topic elsewhere and offer one-on-one sessions. Feel free to reach out if I’ve piqued your interest. I also organize courses on the subject from time to time.