Management and New Affiliations
Well. ’Strategy’ is soon to be published – it should be proofread and edited by the end of the week. Also this multi-year writing operation is coming to an end – at least for a while. My production will continue to update as and when so required. These are always exciting times. However, it is not the subject of this story. I want to speak about the artist management and how it touches time and time again.
I get a lot of mail from the bands and artists everyday. It is understandable, I have a decades-long manager background. Occasionally, a few among them shine brightly, demonstrating exceptional talent, unwavering devotion, and a deep commitment to their cause. This happened to me earlier this year. It usually starts unnoticed. As if you find yourself taking up the task. I believe many of my colleagues would agree with this.
Throughout the past year and a half I have been thinking what to do when these books are made. Teaching at Arcada University of Applied Sciences is still what’s going on. However, it does not fulfill the need of being a manager. It is something that’s in your DNA. Secondly, if I couldn’t be in touch with the practice, I would probably be a poor writer.
Now that I think afterwards, I have visited a months-long of correspondence to Austin. Skype calls take place several a week. The plans are made and then implemented.
Let’s talk about the band. My affiliations are not the case here. It is music. When we began to implement our plans, we got the number of Youtube subscribers rose by over thousand in three weeks and it still continues to grow – big thanks belong to our fans. It’s been a great start to the story. The next challenge is to release the debut album and find the necessary partners. It is my greatest joy to introduce Melba Culp.
Melba Culp was founded in 2015 by guitarist & vocalist Jack McConnell. The band, based out of Austin, Texas, released their debut single and music video ”Never Surrender” on January 18th.
The guitar-driven band aims to hit the world hard with its fast-paced and hard-hitting aggressive single Never Surrender. The single, recorded at PlethoraTone in Nashville, is the first from the album expected to arrive in 2020.
An update to this story. My collaboration with Jack continues, and Melba Culp has successfully synced their music with couple of indie films.
By the way, it’s really cool when you can use the artists you work with in your lectures. To demonstrate the communication and co-operation between the artist and their management – with real-life examples.