The Art of Music Business Management Book


The art of being a music business manager is something that’s always fascinated me. So much that I have wanted to write books on the subject. This summer, I will publish The Art of Music Business Management – For Artists & Managers, which is seventh in order. Here, as waiting for this book from proofreading, I decided to write a few words about it.

First of all, we all have our own style, and/or idea to deal with the management. It is characteristic for this art to develop – the more you do, the better you probably become. So, gaining experience is probably something that’s of the greatest importance. Nevertheless, books can be very useful source of information when making your own assessments. This is something I have cherished now. Kind of a starting point.

From the very beginning, I had three metrics through which to evaluate the content. It should be effortless, inherent and meaningful. If the content I wrote did not fit into that frame, I left it out of the book.

Another starting point was gained experience. If there was no personal experience behind the chosen example, I left it out. In this way, I could not only respect the name of the book, The Art of Music Business Management, but also to make it one of a kind. Otherwise, I should have labeled it differently.

The key metrics of successful management is its built-in consistency – it also includes the title. Consistency is also what the artists expect from their managers. One of the most important things in this book is the concept of passive promotion. It is the thing that makes this consistency possible – as a compass. Also, how it effects in the 2020’s. Trust me, you will be surprised when reading more. The more surprised you will be to know how effective tool it is.

I have developed this art through lectures and one-on-one sessions in various universities over the past four years. It’s been pleasure that many artists have also asked for this. They want their online presence to be in order. This upcoming book explains in more detail all you need to know about it. And how it is the cornerstone of everything.

I am so lucky to have Aleksi Manninen from Ceased Sunfire to make the cover – again. During this summer everything should be completed. I will let you know the exact date of publication when I have that information.

This piece of art has done Aleksi Manninen - the cover of my book