A Chart That Makes You See Things Better
I have been asked this point of view for a while now. From my readers. I guess now is a time to put it out. About observations you also should be aware of. Some things are better reading from the book, while in some cases a short article can bring the idea out best. In this article – we are interested in the chart that book contains.
I have created this chart below for multiple purposes. This article is about two of them. The rest you can find out from this book.
The Art of Music Business: For Artists & Managers
The chart has been developing along the way. When mentoring artists, teaching music business students, or in other ways trying to make my point clear – I have used this chart for framing. I am pretty sure it will help you too. To find your own style to handle things, everyone needs the frame – and hence a concept. Something to reflect on. This chart is made for you. I personally use the idea of it daily.
Music business management can be a difficult equation to figure out – especially among its most demanding subcategory, artist management. There’s so much to do. In the beginning, when there isn’t necessarily anything to take a grip on – you still need to make a next move. To start something. As an artist manager, you’ll need an artist with at least one recording out. Before that moment, everything is more or less artificial. It’s the release that eventually starts the journey. This is the lesson one. A starting point.
That release will also become a story root. The story root is one of the modern music business’s most significant feature. Consequently, our job is to define it, make it grow, as well as to nourish it and attach it with a new meanings. Without fulfilling this basic obligation, it is difficult to move on as a modern artist, artist manager or in tandem with a co-management. This alone is a good reason to read this book. It will explain in more detail the things to pay attention.
Fortunately, this isn’t the whole truth. In terms of the artist management, there are many things you can anticipate. Get ready for the future. The first two compartments of this chart, management & copyright, is the environment where you can be active all the time. Their completion doesn’t require other’s contribution. You can build them without any constraints.
Instead, the third compartment, intercession, is something that requires more from the manager. You need to have gained at least some level of field knowledge to get in run properly. Learn by doing – that’s the way. Intercession is also something that requires contribution of others. How to combine and attach all these elements together in sensible fashion makes manager a manager.
All this was the dilemma we dealt with comprehensively at our course. And that chart above as our compass.